For me, electronic books in any form will never be as good as a printed book I can curl up on the couch in front of the fireplace with. I can't listen to ebooks because I get way too distracted. I tried that when driving home with my kids from Arkansas and ended up 150 miles too far east. We did have a fun time trying to get back to the interstate we belonged on via country roads, but listening while I drive, or do things around the house just doesn't work for me. I suppose a Kindle might be nice but if it's anything like a computer screen, I would rather not try to read on that. I don't enjoy reading much on the computer either. It's a lot harder on my eyes than a book!
I joined the BookCrossing page and that looks very intriguing, but I'm not sure where I put my books so they will be found... Or where I look for books to find... We have tons of paperbacks at our library without barcodes, kind of for borrow or trade or whatever, so if BookCrossing catches on I can see it happening in our community. I'll have to try leaving a couple there and see what happens, I guess.